As a disclaimer, I need to mention that THIS BOOK IS ENTIRELY SATIRICAL, and in no way do I condone or promote killing people. For this project, I created a guidebook for any subject of my choosing. I chose to write and design a 32-page book about committing the perfect murder. I wanted the guidebook to feel like a manifesto, using a simple black, white, and red color scheme for most of the book to allow the illustrations to stand out as focal pieces on the pages and not compete for attention. I selected to use a serif font for most of the composition's body copy to give the book an ambiguous feel. I wanted it to seem like the person who wrote it used a typewriter so they would not be identified by handwriting. The other two display fonts I chose because I wanted them to play up the book's horror aspect without having to overuse illustrations. All the pictures are drawn by hand and then colored digitally. I wanted the images in this book to be light-hearted and straightforward to contrast the terrifying content they are depicting. This project is one of my favorites, as it showcases my illustration abilities and my design skills.